*Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove each of the screws holding your rear license plate in place. Then, pull the plate off and set it aside. Make sure you don't lose the screws, right above the license plate, place the rear camera, and using a marker, mark the two holes through the rear camera stand. Make sure the camera is aligned straight.

*Pop open your trunk and look for a solid interior panel covering the opposite side of your license plate mounting area. Removing this panel will expose the car’s rear wiring chambers.

*Please connect the RED cable to the positive lead of the reverse light wires (Cord that connects your car's tail lights to the dashboard). Reverse light wires are the cords that connect your car’s tail lights to the dashboard. They hook directly into your vehicle’s tail lights and are normally located in the hatch or trunk of your car.

*Using a wire stripper or pliers, peel back the rubber covering the wires. Then, use a screwdriver or other thin tool to poke a hole through the middle of each exposed wire, separating the individual wire strands.  (For safety, make sure you do this while the car is turned off.)
*Attach 1 of your bare wire cables to the camera cord’s power connector. Then, poke your bare wires through the center of the exposed reverse light wires and twist them together. For safety, make sure you wrap the combined wires in electrical tape. 
*important* (Make sure you poke your positive (usually redbare wire through the positive reverse light wire and the negative (usually black) bare wire through the negative reverse light wire.)

*Connect your RCA cable to the camera cord’s video connector if necessary. Then, run it through your vehicle to the area by the fuse box. Depending on your vehicle model, you’ll usually be able to do this by peeling back the automobile’s headliner or side panels and pulling your cable through the exposure chamber.

You have two different installation methods the position of the rear camera depends mostly on the view angle you prefer the most: